用iconv命令处理文本文件中文乱码问题 ICONV HPUNIX


iconv -f eucJP -t sjis  输入文件 > 输出文件

  -f, –from-code=NAME 原始文本编码
  -t, –to-code=NAME 输出编码



以下说明来源于 HP-UX   B.11.31 U ia64

      iconv – codeset conversion

      iconv [-cs] -f frommap -t tomap [file]…
      iconv [-cs] -f fromcode [-t tocode] [file]…
      iconv [-cs] -t tocode [-f fromcode] [file]…
      iconv -l

      The iconv command converts the encoding of characters in the input
      files from one codeset to another, and writes the results to standard
      output.  If no input files are given, iconv reads from standard input.
      If – appears as an input file name, the iconv command reads standard
      input at that point.  — can be used to delimit the end of options
      (see getopt(3C)).

      The iconv command recognizes the following options:

-c             Omit any characters that are invalid in the
               codeset of the input file from the output.  This

               is the default.

-f fromcode    Identify the codeset corresponding to option
               argument fromcode as the codeset that the input
               will be converted “from”.  The fromcode option
               argument must not contain a slash character.  If
               this option is omitted, the codeset of the current
               locale will be used.

-f frommap     The frommap option argument must contain a slash
               character.  It is interpreted as the pathname of a
               charmap file which is parsed to determine the
               codeset name defined in the charmap file.

-l             Write all the supported fromcode and tocode values
               to standard output as defined in the iconv
               configuration files,
               /usr/lib/nls/iconv/system.config.iconv or
               /usr/lib/nls/iconv/config.iconv.  See iconv(3C)
               for details.

-s             Suppress any error messages written to standard
               error concerning invalid characters.  The presence
               or absence of -s does not affect the exit status
               of iconv.

          -t tocode      Identify the codeset corresponding to option
                         argument tocode as the codeset that the input will
                         be converted “to”.  The tocode option argument
                         must not contain a slash character.  If this
                         option is omitted, the codeset of the current
                         locale will be used.

          -t tomap       The tomap option argument must contain a slash
                         character.  It is interpreted as the pathname of a
                         charmap file which is parsed to determine the
                         codeset name defined in the charmap file.

     The fromcode and tocode names can be any of the base and alias names
     listed in the iconv configuration files,
     /usr/lib/nls/iconv/system.config.iconv or
     /usr/lib/nls/iconv/config.iconv.  See iconv(3C) for details and the
     configuration files for a list of supported codeset names.

